Treatments Offered For Acne Scar Removal

Most of the time, acne subsides but what left behind are scars. These scars are typically dimples or bumps. To eliminate acne scars, you need to go for a different treatment. Here, we are going to list out some treatments that are commonly offered at Singapore skin clinics for acne scar removal.

  1. Laser Treatment

In order to remove acne scarring, you can go with laser treatment. This treatment is a non-surgical process, where your skin goes through the laser beams so to deliver higher amounts of energy. In this procedure, the skin is heated up and the outer layers of the damaged skin are removed. It even stimulates regeneration.

  1. Radio-frequency Microneedling

It is also similar to laser treatment. Here, radio-frequency and microscopic needles are used in place of laser beams. In this case, the energy is directed at specific spots so as to reduce the risk of skin damage. You get these kinds of skin treatment in hospitals with big brand names.

  1. Chemical Peels

Here, chemical peels are used as an acid solution. This solution is applied to the skin to eliminate the outermost damaged skin layer. These chemical peels work like salicylic acid, which helps in exfoliating the skin.

  1. Subsicion

Subsicion is a surgical process, which works for depressed scars on the bumpy skin. Under this procedure, a special needle is poked to shatter the scar tissue. In this way, the scar is elevated to the skin level.

  1. Grafting

This process is kind of a cut and paste method. Here, a cutter is used to cut the scar. After that, a plug of skin is used to fill up the void. Usually, the skin’s plug is taken from behind the ear.

So, you can consult with your doctor or skin specialist to decide on the best acne scar removal method. A skin specialist will tell you better what to opt for your cystic acne scars.

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