Use These 4 Messaging Apps to Boost Sales

The messages you push to clients in every digital marketing campaign defines the connection and impact to anticipate from the target audience. Your audience wants to feel connected and free to reach you with greater convenience. Messaging apps available in the market today make communication and connection with target audience easy and fun. The apps are not simply another marketing platform. Rather, they are designed to help online businesses engage the target audience, send content, advertise, and keep clients around for longer. In this post, we look at the leading messaging apps that you should be using to boost sales.


This is a Facebook-owned app. Whatsapp does not sell ads, it prohibits third-party bots, and limits the broadcast group chats to 256. This might make it less ideal for large-scale content distribution. However, marketers are keen to take advantage of its one-to-one messaging capabilities. By interacting with users in a normal way, marketers can implement hyper-targeted personalized campaigns. To promote a product/service, make sure to embed it on your site, social profile, and email signature.

Facebook Messenger

Facebook messenger provides brands with a range of rich features. The app allows users to serve destination related ads to people’s feeds to move them to the message and start conversations. You can also send a sponsored message to those who have messaged in the past and even integrate top bots such as “Manychats” and “Chatfuel” that help with customer integration.

Your firm can use Chatbots to automate conversations with the target audience. Every time that a person messages your firm’s Facebook account, the chatbot responds with several options. Then, visitors can search and even subscribe to your business content, check for job openings, seek customer support, and manage their subscriptions.


This is the most popular Chinese messaging app. Its features are making it so intuitive that many people are using it to run most of the things in their daily lives. The app allows users to message friends, read the news, post social updates, pay bills, make in-store-payments, play games, book taxi, and manage personal finances. All accounts provide bots that help interaction with users to deliver keyword related content. Though it is a Chinese based app, no business wants to be left behind integrating it to reach millions of Chinese living outside China and billions living in the Mainland China.


This is a new messaging app whose popularity is growing rapidly. It provides a profile page, ride sharing, video calling, music streaming, and stickers among other features. In Japan, the app dominates the market share with over 94%. To start using the app, you need to sign for a corporate account that brings the following capabilities.

  • Setting profile pages
  • Sending chat messages
  • Posting content in subscribers timelines
  • Distributing free stickers
  • Optimizing line advertisements
  • Activating chatbots that deliver content to users
  • Rewarding clients with stickers after buying products your store

Remember that no single messaging app is ideal for all firms. Rather, you should identify the apps that reach more to the target audience and optimize their use. Besides, the apps should be used together with other online advertising methods for better results.

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